Debt collection and payment backlogs

prawo pracy jako specjalizacja w Kancelarii KRS Katowice

The goal of conducting any business activity, regardless of the size of the established business, is to achieve satisfactory revenues. Unfortunately, obstacles to achieving this goal often arise, such as payment delays or disloyal behavior from a contractor who delays payment for an overdue invoice. Very often, such payment delays can lead to financial liquidity disturbances or even problems with one’s own solvency. In such situations, it is always necessary to take swift and decisive debt collection actions. Delaying the collection of our receivables can result in ineffective enforcement if we do not begin searching for the debtor’s assets in a timely manner.

Our team provides comprehensive services in the field of debt collection and recovery. We offer support from the very beginning of a payment delay, starting from sending payment reminders. We conduct court proceedings aimed at obtaining a judgment awarding the debt, and then direct enforcement proceedings to court bailiffs. Therefore, we comprehensively handle amicable debt collection, pre-litigation debt collection, and court debt collection.

In debt collection services, we have experience in servicing both very large economic entities and sole proprietorships. Each debt entrusted to us for collection, regardless of its amount, is treated by us with the same care. We also have extensive experience in servicing public entities, which, when recovering receivables, are primarily obliged to comply with the principles of public finance discipline.

We provide our clients with comprehensive assistance in matters related to combating excessive delays in commercial transactions. Our assistance as a lawyer in debt collection, in the fight against payment delays, begins already at the stage of commencing new investments. We negotiate with clients to introduce appropriate provisions into concluded contracts aimed at securing payments or securing claims through appropriate and adequate instruments tailored to the investment.

We collaborate with notaries in drafting contracts, the provisions of which contain additional clauses securing payments for our clients. We work with bailiffs to ensure that the methods of enforcement are effectively tailored to the receivable being pursued and the assets held by the debtor.

Our law firm is perceived by clients as a debt recovery firm. We help avoid payment delays and protect clients from unreliable contractors. In this regard, we are at your disposal through:

  • Participation in contract negotiations and introduction of provisions securing payment (e.g., deposits, payment guarantees).
  • Introducing clauses into contracts securing the enforcement of claims (e.g., deposits, bills of exchange, guarantees, bank or insurance guarantees).
  • Assessment of securing instruments offered by our clients’ contractors.
  • Conducting a legal audit of the contractor and assessing the risk of insolvency.
  • Verifying contractors in registers, including the National Debt Register.

We assist clients in debt recovery and comprehensively conduct the claims recovery process:

  • Sending payment reminders.
  • Assisting in obtaining the debtor’s entry into the National Debt Register.
  • Filing claims for payment with the court.
  • Representing clients in debt recovery cases before courts.
  • Submitting enforcement applications to court bailiffs.
  • Representing clients in enforcement proceedings conducted by court bailiffs.
  • Representing clients in restructuring and bankruptcy proceedings, including, in particular, submitting claims to the bankruptcy estate or casting votes on behalf of clients in settlement proceedings.
  • Filing payment claims against members of debtor management boards who are responsible for company obligations.
  • Searching for debtors’ assets, including identifying debt heirs, determining their circle, and submitting appropriate applications to recover debt from heirs.
  • Assisting clients in defending against dishonest contractors by filing fraudulent conveyance complaints, determining the circle of entities or persons potentially jointly liable for debt.
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Knapek Rybczynski Szmit & Partners Law Firm

ul. Zabrska 18, 40-083 Katowice
opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 08:00 – 17:00

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