Corporate services

prawo pracy jako specjalizacja w Kancelarii KRS Katowice

As attorneys running our own law firm, we also function as entrepreneurs conducting business activities. We are taxpayers, contributors to social security, leaseholders, and borrowers. This allows us to better understand the needs and expectations of our clients who run their own businesses.

Our law firm always seeks to find solutions to the problems that our clients bring to us. From the very beginning of our firm’s operation, our services have been focused specifically on business support. We have gained experience through many years of servicing large corporate entities in industries such as construction, mining, medical, pharmaceutical, and gastronomy. We also closely collaborate with entrepreneurs running individual businesses, supporting their development and legally securing their major investments, helping to minimize risks.

We offer our services to the management boards and supervisory boards of commercial law companies. We provide ongoing advisory services to board members in decision-making, risk analysis, and liability. We support supervisory bodies in their entrusted control, assisting in internal audit processes.

  • We provide comprehensive legal support for companies from the moment of establishing new entities.
  • We prepare company agreements, statutes, internal regulations.
  • We handle entity registrations in the commercial court, as well as any further notifications related to changes in the composition of bodies or changes in the company agreement or statute.
  • In the event of a decision to terminate the business, we conduct the liquidation procedure comprehensively.
  • We assist in preparing and conducting shareholder meetings, prepare draft resolutions and protocols.
  • We offer legal assistance at board and supervisory board meetings, including preparing draft resolutions, content of orders, and official instructions.
  • We conduct due diligence audits.
  • We support managers in executive positions (board members, proxies), including reviewing management contracts, analyzing responsibility for managerial decisions.
  • Corporate service for companies.
  • We offer readiness to provide in-house legal support (providing assistance at client’s premises or their branches).
  • We support entrepreneurs in relations with employees when concluding employment contracts, terminating employment contracts, or representing them in any potential disputes with employees.
  • We provide comprehensive support for legal proceedings in which the client is a party.
  • We inform about changes in legal regulations directly affecting business activities.
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Knapek Rybczynski Szmit & Partners Law Firm

ul. Zabrska 18, 40-083 Katowice
opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 08:00 – 17:00

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