Employment Law

prawo pracy jako specjalizacja w Kancelarii KRS Katowice

Our services are directed to both employers and employees. We are a law firm specializing in labor law. The period of the coronavirus pandemic has shown how dynamic and unexpected changes or even revolutions can occur in business, especially in the working conditions of employees. Every entrepreneur knows how important a stable team of employees is in conducting business activities. Creating appropriate and adequate legal employment frameworks for employees is the basis for the professional functioning of a company. As labor law attorneys, we constantly monitor changes in labor law and legislative initiatives in this area to prepare our clients well in advance for regulatory changes.

Within our team, we have labor law attorneys. We have experience in conducting court proceedings in the field of labor law on behalf of both employers and employees. We approach each case individually, always striving to find a settlement and a quick resolution to the dispute.

Clients of our law firm also turn to us for legal advice on labor law and disputes with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). Over the years of practice, we have gained extensive experience in cases related to challenging the basis of employment by the Social Insurance Institution, as well as cases concerning sick leave and maternity benefits. This enables us to properly assess the risk of litigation and explain to clients the course of the case during consultations.

In our activities, we collaborate with tax advisors, certified auditors, and accounting specialists, allowing us to offer clients comprehensive advice on labor law.

For Employers, we offer:

  • Legal advice on labor law.
  • Preparation of internal employment documents: templates of employment contracts,work regulations, employment rules, all orders and organizational structures.
  • Coordination of the implementation of personal data protection policies.
  • Coordination of the implementation of any amendments to labor law regulations.
  • Assistance in implementing remote work policies.
  • Conducting training sessions for employers on selected topics.
  • Comprehensive handling of court proceedings related to disputes with employees or decisions of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS).
  • Drafting agreements or termination notices of employment contracts.
  • Participation in negotiations with employees.
  • Comprehensive handling of proceedings before any public authorities, especially the State Labor Inspectorate, the Social Insurance Institution, or the Sanitary Inspectorate.

For Employees, we offer:

  • Advisory services during negotiations on employment contract terms.
  • Lodging appeals against terminations of employment contracts that are inconsistent with regulations.
  • Representation in court proceedings against employers.
  • Assistance in conducting negotiations with employers, drafting letters on behalf of employees specifying claims against employers.
  • Lodging appeals against decisions of the Social Insurance Institution.
  • Advice on sickness benefits and maternity benefits.

Contact person

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Knapek Rybczynski Szmit & Partners Law Firm

ul. Zabrska 18, 40-083 Katowice
opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 08:00 – 17:00

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