Katarzyna Knapek

lawyer – partner
Katarzyna Knapek Adwokat z Kancelarii KRS w Katowicach


She began her career in 2010. Admitted to the list of attorneys at the District Bar Council in Katowice in 2014. Attorney Katarzyna Knapek dedicates the majority of her professional time to serving entrepreneurs, including corporate services, where she provides opinions, negotiates contracts, handles payment disputes, advises on business management, and makes changes to company agreements.

Attorney Katarzyna Knapek has extensive and diverse experience in serving large corporate entities, including state-owned companies. Her long-standing legal assistance to mining entities has resulted in acquiring expertise in the field of public procurement law – both on the contracting authority side and the side of entities bidding for public contracts. As part of her practice, she has been involved in dozens of proceedings conducted by the National Appeal Chamber. In 2021, Attorney Katarzyna Knapek completed postgraduate studies in the field of public procurement law.

As part of her work with entities in the construction industry, Attorney Katarzyna Knapek has gained experience enabling her to provide legal assistance in the implementation of investment tasks – from regulating the legal status of real estate, through the construction process, to the completion of the investment.


Audyt prawny

Due diligence legal audit

prawo nieruchomości

Real estate law

Zamówienia publiczne

Public procurement

Windykacja i zatory płatnicze

Debt collection and payment backlogs

Obsługa firm budowlanych

Construction companies services

Obsługa korporacyjna

Corporate services

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Knapek Rybczynski Szmit & Partners Law Firm

ul. Zabrska 18, 40-083 Katowice
opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 08:00 – 17:00